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Muhammad Panji

A fulltime dad and husband, part time technologist.
This evening got a phone call from a friend. He’s migrating data for a client from a broken laptop to the new one. Long story short the computer have one outlook 2010 with three email account. One google apps account with setting from Google Apps Sync, one google apps email with manual IMAP settings and the last one is gmail account with IMAP settings. The second and third email can send and receive email normally, while the first email, the one that was setup by Google Apps Sync can not send email, even though it can receive email normally. Things get more horror when he check webmail and the email is on sent item.
Yesterday I play with rails apps to run with thin. The document that I follow said : Edit /etc/init.d/thin on DAEMON line to : DAEMON=/usr/local/rvm/bin/bootup_thin But no bootup_thin on /usr/local/rvm/bin/. So, I move on setting up thin, it could run the app successfully when I ran thin manually like : $ thin start -c /home/ec2-user/apps/current/ -p 3000 -e production The app is running, CSS and Java Script not loaded yet but at least the app running. After reading several blogs I found that I need to wrap thin so that it could use correct rvm and ruby environment. But, again when I ran :
To collect logs in Fujitsu PRIMERGY server we can use PrimeCollect. PrimeCollect is part of ServerView Agents. # PrimeCollect the collected log will be saved (a .tar.gz file) on /var/log/PrimeCollect AltovaXML /xslt2 Report.xslt /in PCSysScan.xml /out PCSsyScan.html To convert XML to HTML, you can use AltovaXML. It seems that AltovaXML is not available from Altova website, but you can download from two alternative websites below : Softpedia Reference : PrimeCollect (8)
ServerView Agent is a utility provided by Fujitsu to monitor your Fujitsu servers. If you are using supported Linux distribution like Red Hat Enterprise Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise Server it’s really easy to install them on Fujitsu PRIMERGY servers. You can use ServerView DVD shipped with the server or get the drivers online from FTS Website. Using ServerView DVD, not only drivers, ServerView Agent and ServerView RAID manager as monitoring tools also installed automatically. Now, what if you want or need to use Community Linux like Debian or Ubuntu, can you also have ServerView agent and ServerView RAID Manager? Sure.
Nyawah atau bersawah atau menjadi petani bukan merupakan cita-cita anak-anak Indonesia saat ini bahkan untuk anak petani sekalipun. Para petani pun tidak ada (atau mungkin kalaupun ada jarang sekali yang menyarankan anaknya untuk menjadi Petani tetapi menjadi pekerja kantoran, PNS atau swasta yang penting dikantor dan tidak disawah atau ladang. Lahan sawah semakin lama semakin berkurang. Sebelah rumah yang dulunya sawah luas satu per satu dibangun menjadi rumah. bahkan kabarnya pengembang perumahan sebelah mau membangun unit tambahan diselatan rumah. Di beberapa bagian lain Cilacap banyak juga sawah yang disulap menjadi perumahan, meskipun demikian bukan berarti mengubah sawah menjadi perumahan merupakan hal yang salah, karena pembangunan perumahan ini juga merupakan tuntutan pembangunan kota, semakin banyak lapangan kerja baru, tenaga kerja baru tentu akan membutuhkan tempat tinggal baru.